Sweet Stingrays, Shining Sharks, and Stupendous Seahorses Classrooms
We offer a Voluntary Prekindergarten Program at our academy. Our Pre-K program for four-year-olds promotes school readiness through learning, developing social skills, healthy routines, and technology.
Coral Reef Academy follows the guidelines for developmentally appropriate practices set forth by national accrediting associations. Social, verbal, cognitive, and physical skills are built through activities that engage children – counting out straws for milk, identifying the first letter of each child’s name, or cooperating to assemble a puzzle.
Preschoolers are like sponges – they soak up knowledge. Here they learn everything they need to be prepared for Kindergarten and beyond. Within our comfortable, encouraging environment, children deepen understanding, free from the fear of mistakes and failures.

The VPK program is offered free for all children preparing for Kindergarten the following school year. We provide a structured learning environment using The Creative Curriculum. The Creative Curriculum is based on monthly studies which allow children to learn through purposeful play. These studies are based on topics they are familiar with from their everyday lives.
Coral Reef Academy’s VPK classrooms operate with a fully child-oriented environment, including child-sized furniture and developmentally appropriate toys and activities. Our classrooms are divided into learning areas: circle time, block center, math/manipulative center, science center, dramatic play, computer center, and finally, a writing center. Children also have the opportunity to play outdoors in our state-of-the-art, rubber matted playgrounds (which are catered to specific ages) twice a day with enrichments such as gardening.
In addition, we have cameras in all the VPK classrooms and outside the building for the safety and security of the children attending our classes. We also have security-coded entrances, and doors are monitored at all times.