Three and Four-Year-Olds
Talented Turtles and Dependable Dolphins Classrooms
At Coral Reef Academy, three and four-year-olds learn and grow in an educational environment created explicitly for expanding minds.
Every child’s development is unique and complex. Preschoolers learn primarily through exploring, using all senses. They become better able to ignore distractions and focus on the tasks at hand. They love to listen to and understand conversations, stories, songs, and poems.
They are learning their letters and realize that print in a book tells readers what to say. Our preschool classrooms are a rich print environment that enables our three and four-year-olds to explore through play, and our classes provide them with the ability to explore the world around them busily.

At Coral Reef Academy, we enable our students to perfect gross motor and fine motor skills with various nourishing activities. Children are engaged in enjoyable activities while learning critical skills that will help prepare them for the upcoming VPK class and Kindergarten.
Children also have the opportunity to play outdoors in our state-of-the-art, rubber matted playgrounds (which are catered to specific ages) twice a day with enrichments such as gardening and water play during the hot summer days.
In addition, we have cameras in all of the classrooms and outside the building for the safety and security of the children attending our classes. We also have security-coded entrances, and doors are monitored at all times.
Classes fill up quickly, so book a tour of our phenomenal classroom environments for three and four-year-olds today!